Introduction to AI
Artificial intelligence
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings.
The term intelligence refers to the human ability to solve, ability to recognize, cognition, etc
The term artificial refers to a machine or a non-human.
And together they mean the ability of a machine to do tasks that usually only humans are capable to do.
Evolution of AI
1923 - Robot term was coined
1943 - Neural Networks idea was formed but not much work was done on it due to lack of resources; the boom in deep learning happened in 2010-2015
1945 - Robotics (Big term and involves various domains like mechanical, electronics, electrical and computer science)
1950 - Alan Turing - Turing machine (watch movie The Intimation Game)
1956 - Artificial Intelligence term was coined by John McCarthy in his research (LISP Program)
and so on...
Advantages of AI
High accuracy with fewer errors compared to humans
High speed (eg. chess game, in a chess game the machine will be able to compute the next step after looking through future steps much faster than a human)
Highly reliable - a machine will give the same result and will not get influenced by any external factors, unlike humans who are affected by a lot of factors like concentration, etc.
Useful for risky areas - areas like military, marine exploration, space exploration, etc.
Digital assistants, recommendation systems, etc - ease of life and entertainment
Public utility - authentication (face recognition), automation (self-driving cars, automated banks), etc
Last updated